This Service includes taking apart your old wig and constructioning a cusom machine made Wig , Bleached knots, Defined part (if requested), Plucking hairline, and Styling of choice. This service does NOT include hair. You must add that to your cart seperately.
- Atfer purchasing you will receive an email on where to ship your hair to. If you are local and would like to drop off contact me after purchasing to schedule a drop off date/time.
- Your first and last name must be the same on the package as your order
- If you are dropping hair off please make sure your full name is in the bag (same name as order)
- Turnover time is 5-7 working days. Turnover time starts once I have recieved your hair
- Used bundles are accepted but all wefts must still be in tact and hair must be washed if it is used. I only accept NEW lace.
- NO silk base lace or t-part lace
- For a better outcome please make sure you have thin knots
- If you are adding color for me to dye your hair but be GOOD quality. All hair takes dye differently. Contact me if unsure
- All custom wigs will come with a adjustable elastic band and comb at the back
- If you are dropping of hair I will take your measurements for you. If you are shipping hair refer to picture sent in email after purchasing to take your own measurements
- When taking your own measurements try and be as accurate as possible. I will not be responsible for your wig not fitting due to inacurrate measurements
- If shipping hair, hair must be sent out within 3 days after purchasing.
- Body Curls, Natural State, and Straightening hair is included in this price. Anything extra is more money
Purchashing this you are agreeing to these policies!
If you have any questions or concerns contact me at Email: bronzebeautyhairco@gmail. com or Text Only: 718-395-9220