This Service includes Bleached knots, Defined part (if requested), Plucking hairline, Wash + Condition, and Styling of choice.
- Atfer purchasing you will receive an email on where to ship your hair to. If you are local and would like to drop off contact me after purchasing to schedule a drop off date/time.
- Your first and last name must be the same on the package as your order
- If you are dropping hair off please make sure your full name is in the bag (same name as order)
- Turnover time is 5-7 working days. Turnover time starts once I have recieved your hair
- Wig Must be new
- NO silk base lace or t-part Wigs
- For a better outcome please make sure you have thin knots
- Lace must be still attached and there should be no attempt on bleaching knots or any customization to wig
- If you are adding color for me to dye your hair but be GOOD quality. All hair takes dye differently. Contact me if unsure
- A elastic band can be added if there is not one on already
- If sipping hair, hair must be sent out within 3 days after purchasing.
- Body Curls, Natural State, and Straightening hair is included in this price. Anything extra is more money
- I will not do a side part on a 4x4 closure
- If you have a 4x4 or 5x5 closure wig a side part is not recommended. If you want a side part with a closure wig get a 6x6 or 7x7. If you must do a 5x5 you need to get a wig made by me where I will place the closure to the side for a natural look
Purchashing this you are agreeing to these policies!
If you have any questions or concerns contact me at Email: bronzebeautyhairco@gmail. com or Text Only: 718-395-9220